So, once I was done with my kitchen I realized that while I had some cookbooks…most of them were from me wandering around picking up stuff that looked like fun. AND I realized that while I had a lot of recipes I’d asked my mom for…I had never reached out to my (most amazing) mother-in-law for things she had made my WIFE growing up.
I felt like a heel. I’m the one that cooks, so I’m the one that decides what we have…which means, hey, if I want okra, then by God we are having okra. Or if I want to try out a new chocolate cake recipe with espresso powder in it…well then, HELLO DESSERT!
But there was all this history that my wife had growing up in the Middle East with an American mother. This weird mix of Indian, Persian, and American that gave my wife the amazing spice palate she has (which let’s be honest, before I met her basil was pretty racy for me).
So I reached out to Best Mom-in-Law EVAH and said, “Hey, would you be willing to write down some recipes for me?”
And that woman…honestly, she’s the most giving woman on the planet…she sent me 2 boxes full of stuff!!!!!!
Here, look at her…isn’t she sweet!?

Anyway, some were hand written…btw, she was aghast that I don’t make deviled eggs for my wife. I gotta get on that THIS weekend (is it getting warm and PERFECT for deviled eggs). Some were from local churches from her home town and the town my wife and I met int…Some were fantastic Persian/Middle Eastern cookbooks in English (and if she is using them you know they have to have some authentic recipes in there).
And I just feel like, OMG my whole life has opened up and who needs Pinterest or the internet I’ve got COOKBOOKS!!!*
*All except that one unfortunate cookbook with a section called “Jello Salads” — that is the stuff of nightmares y’all.