We have another guest recipe today — why? Because sometimes I just get in the mood for something and I want to make it. You know how it is — you start thinking about Carrot Souffle and then you can’t stop thinking about the light, airy deliciousness. Your mouth is watering for warm carroty goodness that even your nephew (who does not like carrots) ate with gusto!
Then next thing you know you’ve got 3lbs of carrots and you’re wondering about your life choices — specifically why you don’t KEEP 3lbs of carrots on hand at all times so you can make this FOOD OF THE GODS. And then you spend an hour hovering over the stovetop, cursing how hard carrots are and how long it takes for them to get soft, but my lovelies, it is totally worth it.
Special shout out to Maria, my Louisiana bestie, for sending me this amazing recipe (and another I’ll likely share later). And for turning me onto the best thing to happen to carrots since Bugs Bunny.
Piccadilly Carrot Souffle
- 3-½ lbs peeled carrots
- 1-½ lbs Sugar
- 1 Tbsp Baking Powder
- 1 Tbsp Vanilla
- 1/4 Cup Flour
- 6 Eggs
- ½ lb Butter (softened)
- Powdered Sugar (for dusting)
Steam or boil carrots until extra soft — this can take up to an hour, so put them on early. Drain well.
While the carrots are warm add the sugar, baking powder, and vanilla. Whip with a mixer until smooth (or mostly smooth). Add flour and mix well.
Beat eggs and add to flour mixture, blend well. Then add softened butter and blend well.
Pour into the baking dish. Fill it only about half full, as the souffle will rise. Bake in 350 degree oven about 1 hour or until top is a light golden brown.
Sprinkle lightly with powdered sugar right before serving.
Serves about 10